
Tell us a little bit about your background , where you come from, age , school , what you have been doing.

I’m Anne, 18 years old. Normally live in Amsterdam, but now in Mosjoen of course, and I’m in the Friluftsliv LETT linje.

Why did you decide to go to Vefsn Folkehøgskole ?

I had the idea to go to folkehogskole when I heard about it more than 1,5 years ago, in high school. A girl that was an old student went there, and the stories sounded amazing. Around april/may 2017, I seriously started searching, knowing that I was probably a little late and that I really wanted to go to live a year in Norway at folkehogskole. I decided to go to Toppen because I originally wanted to go half a year, and Friluftsliv LETT sounded really nice.

How has it been for you on Toppen ?

Life at Toppen is AMAZING. Everybody is really nice, and of course you can’t be friends with everybody, and I’ve never made so much good friends so easily and in such a short amount of time. There is always something to do, play a game, go on a trip, watch a movie (either in town or in elevstua)

What has been your best experience so far?

I don’t really know what my best experience yet is, it is so hard to choose! All the trips with Friluftsliv LETT were amazing. Even thouh we were cold or really tired,
or both, we always have fun, and somehow always end up only remembering the good stuff. The atmosphere in the group is really nice, it is accepted that not everybody can do everything at the same level. I think one of the best memories is the first linjeuke, because we didn’t really know each other that well yet, and I really got to know everybody.


What is the best with Toppen?

The best with Toppen is that you can be friends with everybody if you want to, even if they’re not in your linje. I’ve a lot of good friends in Friluftsliv LETT, but also a lot in other linjes, and that is just so extremely nice.

You first planned being a half-year student , what changed your mind ?

At one point I found out that my course also was a full year, and I was like «O, but then I will miss a lot». And since I had made a lot of friends already, and we had so much fun, I just didn’t want to miss anything. At one point in the vacation in fall I just decided that all the small minuses of staying half a year did not even come close to all the positive points. And since this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I applied for the rest of the year and got accepted. I was so happy with that, that I knew it was the right decision.


Do you have any plans for next year?

Next year (september 2018) I want to start a study, although I haven’t really decided what I want yet. Maybe human or physical geography, or marine biology. I don’t really know yet….


Thank you Anne, for spending your time with us on TOPPEN! We wish you the best  <3


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